Sunday, September 18, 2011

Micro Mode

Micro Photography

What is it?
It is close up photography. Where the image projected  on film is close to the same size as the subject.
Where to find it on camera mode?
Macro mode is generally symbolized with a little flower; when selected it will tell your camera that you want to focus on a subject closer to your lens than normal.
Working in Macro mode is somewhat different than working at normal distances. After roughly focusing and composting an image, it is often easier to finish focusing by moving the entire camera father away of closer rather than refocusing the lens .  Focus on the part of your subject that is the main point of interest.
Did you know?
The Micro mode is most useful in forensic work, where small detail at crimes or accident scenes may often be significant. Trace evidence such as fingerprints and skid marks are especially important, and easily recorded using Micro mode.  But, besides this type of use, Micro mode can be acquired in order to make the most beautiful piece of artwork.
Why would one like to use Micro?
I like Micro mode mainly because I am an outdoor type of person. I love catching squirrels on the act, or any type of bugs, or insects. I do not like to touch those things, but I do love their colors. Plants are also another subject I like to take photos of, and not to mention the sky. Personally, to me Micro is for those types of individuals who love detail and colors.  

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