Simplicity should be one of the first things individuals should think about, when composing a photograph. Keep your image clutter free, and remember that as a photographer, you want to draw the viewer’s attention to the main subject of the photo as quickly as possible. With the Rule of Thirds, now offered by most cameras, it makes it easier to position the most important element in your scene along two-thirds up the page. The human eye is naturally drawn to this point. If your camera does not provide a Rule of Thirds, then imagine that your image is divided into nine equal segments by two vertical and two horizontal lines. The goal is to get your main subjects around one of the intersection points rather than the center of the image, which is the traditional way. Most people like myself, find it difficult to stray away from the center shot, but it is very important to capture different angles, and learn different technics to improve our photography skills. Again, try to position the most important element in your scene along these lines, or at the points where they intersect. Doing this will add balance, and interest to you photo, making it easier to capture an amazing shot.
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