Sunday, October 23, 2011


It is very difficult to capture a likeness or a predominant expression.  A feeling that overpowers everything else that might be included in a background or even the other parts of that same object.
In portraiture it is all about detail. For example, the hands of a pianist, the bicep of a weight lifter, the belly of a pregnant woman. Try to capture details that would get the message across in an indirect way.

Try to use different elements to abstract what you want from your objects. 

 Here are some examples:

Ø  Back-lights

Ø  Posing

Ø  Shooting from unusual angles

Ø  Framing and Positioning your subjects

Ø  Culture (Environment  )

Ø  Interesting Locations

Ø  Reflections

Ø  Shadows

Ø  Get Close

Ø  Blur the background

Ø  Capture the moment

Ø  Get Serious

(this helps a lot)


Ø  Shoot longer exposures

Ø  Use shape an line or strong compositions

Ø  Use selective focus

Ø  Take Non-traditional approach

Do not be afraid to go outside the box! Portraiture is not a simple thing to conquer. It is just like all the other techniques in photography. It takes a lot of practice and creativity.    

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