Sunday, October 30, 2011

Photography Restoration

Photo Restoration
Digital photo restoration is a simple technique that many people can do themselves. It can help replace historic pictures or restore family history.

Whether it is a torn edge, damaged corner, creases, cracks, water stains, rips and tears,  or color loss, everyone can learn how to restore a photo.

By using Photoshop we can alter certain aspects of a photograph, and improve the overall quality making a dramatic change to our memories. 

                                 Because it is a little difficult to explain how to use these tools, and it is better to see how they can be used, please check-out this tutorial I found from Youtube!

There are 4 tools                                         Check-Out this Tutorial

v  Spot Healing Brush Tool

v  Healing Bush Tool

v  Patch Tool

v  Red Eye Tool

(My Favorite)

Ø  Clone Stamp Tool  

Ø  Pattern Stamp tool


*      Bur Tool

*      Sharpen Tool

*      Smudge Tool

*      Eraser Tool

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