Sunday, November 13, 2011

Photography: Photo Merge

Photo Merge:

Photo Merge

In photography there is a technique called photo merge. It is used to capture big canvases.  It is a creative way to capture a large areas without loosing any of its space. It is a wonderful technique to learn and use when traveling, or around big cities.
Here is a video link that will show how to exactly go about photo merge:

It is a way to capture large areas without losing the sharpness of that image.  

There are many different programs in which photographers merge, but I use Photoshop. Why? It is simple, lot of tools, and very professional.

Here are some pictures to give an example of the type of photos that can be achieved by using photo merging.    

I will also link a tutorial of photo merging, in the Photoshop program. Please go back to the top.  

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