Monday, December 5, 2011

Photography: First Picture Print Made

The First Picture Taken
Joseph Nicephore Niepce’s had not only passion but talent. He not only helped to create the world of photography, but made it wildly popular. He is known for his 1827 photographic image.

He used the camera obscura, which was mostly used for illustration or tracing. But trough time, and Joseph Niepce’s, it was made easily portable and printable. He called it the sun print. He was able to print images on photosensitive paper.

It would usually take eight hours to produce one image. The prints were very fragile, and eventually faded. The quality and durability of picture prints were eventually improved during the coming years.

It is because of Joseph Nicephore Niepce’s  work, and many others, that we are able to enjoy our memories today. He showed us a different view. Niepce's helped to improve our vision, and changed our minds towards the beauty that surrounds us in our everyday lives. 

Photography: First Camera Ever Made

First Camera Ever Made
Through time, cameras have been created, improved, and sold. But, who created the camera? Who do we give our gratitude for this wonderful creation?  A creation that preserves our memories, gives us insight about other parts of the world (what they look like), and inspires us artistically.  
Well this is a hard question to answer. The reason is, because it was though a lot of collaboration. Though time, great scientist, and great minds. We have the luxury to keep our pasts. Because of these great individuals (just to name a few) Aristotle, Theon of Alexandria, Al-Kindi, Mozi, and Alhazen; we can now see the world in many different ways.

The Camera Obscura
The camera obscura Latin for “dark room” was a device which projected images of its surroundings. Originally a large dark room completely sealed from light except for a very small pinhole from which external light came through.   Producing upside down images that were traced and used for art sketches, drawing, and viewing.
Through time, a smaller and more portable camera obscura was created. And even today the making and design of the camera is still improving!